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We, Nepal Explore Vehicle Pvt. Ltd offer hassle free car hire/rental in town to go anywhere in Nepal for those tourist who comes in Nepal for travel, tour trekking and many more activities.

You have just come to the right place to book for the car rental services that provides excellent service, fulfilling your entire expectations in terms of car choices, prices, and travel safeness. It just takes your short time to book with us and you are ready to explore the nature of Nepal. We offer small car/mid-sized cars, SUVs, Hilux, mini-vans, and buses depending on your needs. Our rates are competitive in the market. Cheap rates do not provide you good services. Our drivers are professional and educated. They are bilingual. Our drivers speak English, Hindi, and Nepali, which help in effective communication.

We pride in providing the best services to our clients who are willing to rent vehicles for travels and tours in beautiful Nepal. We have the best vehicles in the country, which are relatively new and timely maintained to ensure comfortable travel.

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