
check vehicles Availability for your Trip

We promise good travel experience for our clients. We always ensure that your overall travel experience meet your expectations, and you wish to come back for more & more in future.

Check rates and reserve your next car rental in Nepal. Rental car classes include economy, full sized, luxury, minivans, SUVs, buses, Shuttles and more.

The given table illustrates our vehicle’s load capacities:

Vehicle Type Load Capacity
Car 3
Van 6
Toyota Hilux 4
Jeep 7
Hiace 14
Bus 25
Shuttle 35

For details please do call us at +977- 97709841010127, 9746511794 / or email us at

Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle insurance is provided that is included in our rates. Please visit ‘Tariff’ section to get the details of the rates for distances you would travel.

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